Meditation Urbaine Conscience Practices 1

- Year 1-B
- 123 (Registered)
Course description
Basic vibrational meditations and postures
In this second sequence, we will discover the dimension of the body through 4 meditation postures: 2 static, 2 dynamic, 2 seated, 2 standing, 2 feminine, 2 masculine. The 4 postures that phenomenally raise the vibratory level of the body and the body-mind connection.
Two exceptional exercises
We are going to name our unconscious in order to recognize it, an ancient Hawaiian ritual that soothes the relationship we have with ourselves.
We are going to open a notebook of beliefs in which we are going to write each day a positive or negative belief that we have regarding existence.
Dissect Consciousness
We will discuss three approaches to understanding consciousness in its known possibilities to evolve as an individual and a species. This leads to powerful realizations and a feeling of liberation.
The Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory was initiated by Clare Gaves, an American psychology professor. His theory will be refined by two of his students, Don Beck and Christopher Cowan who will develop the model of the dynamic spiral that we are going to study. Basically, human consciousness evolves according to stages which each have their vision of the world. Knowing about these stages increases understanding of human behaviors as well as one’s own behaviors.
The second approach that we are going to discuss, in the continuity of the first, was initiated by Ken Wilber, an American writer. Virtually unknown in France, nicknamed the Einstein of consciousness among Anglo-Saxons, his work covers areas related to psychology, epistemology, the history of ideas, sociology, mysticism, ecology and evolution. Its project is to formulate what Wilber calls an “integral theory of consciousness” and makes its author one of the leaders of what is called, in Anglo-Saxon countries, the “integral theory”.
The third approach is carried by Ghis (Ghislaine Saint Pierre Lanctôt) a grandmother doctor from Quebec who wrote – What the devil did I come to do on this earth? Accomplish myself – a work of incredible richness. Mrs. Ghislaine saint pierre Lanctot “conspirator” thrown in prison by the Quebec government and stripped of her quality of doctor because she exposes the toxicity of states for humans and advocates the individual sovereignty that she embodies and practices day by day. A true Gallic woman from Quebec, bubbly and free, whose ideas exasperate those who subscribe to the dominant thought.
At the end of this course you can move on to the next level if you validate your course.