La Meditation Ultra

-opening soon-

To be informed, subscribe to free offer 🙂 

Perfect consciousness awakening and expansion technology for urban, villages and country peoples, that don’t have much time to take care of them, to work on them, to transform, metamorphose, rise, achieve, love.

A technical-symbolic-artistic program, which uses the stages of learning a musical instrument to learn how to manage oneself. After all, aren’t we musical instruments somewhere? This makes it a realistic, innovative, original and without any doubt a strong and very powerful approach . This is knowledge at its pure source, Fractal and Vectorized.

The 21st century will be spiritual or it won’t be

Andre MALRAUX (1901-1976), The Legend of the Century (1972)

” You will only see clearly by looking inside yourself.

Who looks outside dreams.

Who looks within awakens.”

Carl Gustav Jung

Don’t stay on flat ground
Don’t go too high
seen halfway up, the world
offers its most beautiful appearance.

Friedrich Nietzsche 

A program from l'Université de la Connaissance appliquée

To bring together the scattered, reunite the separated and experience wisdom, transformation and a super living together





x (N) Circles

x (N) Members

The most fantastic human adventure of all time

Access to first lessons for free

and boost your inner evolutions in 3 simples steps

1st step

Subscribe to course

2nd step

Study all 22 courses

3rd step

Apply what resonates in your heart

Another much more powerful option

Subscribe and enter the clockwork of psycho-magical technology!

Access private circle

Circle is a group of up to 22 members who help each other learn, understand and practice the elements of UM.

With several, it’s more powerful, more fun and it structures the magic!

Access to features of the platform

The Desktop and its measurement and application tools, the reflection cabinet with its self-knowledge tools, the Coach-Mirror functions to work on empathy and listening, the dream and project tables, the fantastic information window, the exchanges of services ….

Access 4-year training

Gain practice that , at the end of which, will allow you to animate circles, to do individual coaching and to earn additional income by registering in one of the most promising markets: coaching

The University of Applied Knowledge

It is 2 platforms
  • – course platform

  • – psycho-magical collective intelligence platform

in fact...


A large majority of our problems have their sources inside everyone


It is by awakening awareness that they resolve one after another.


This process requires courage, patience, love for oneself.


The benefits are immense in terms of happiness and self-realization.

Join the university of applied knowledge put your M-U into practice, take your place in a psycho-magical circle of mutual aid and open the consciousness to your being with method.

Think carefully before registering, entering a circle is a process that is part of the medium and long term. It is not a personal development gimmick. This is not a 'quick, easy and effortless' method. A more conscious universe is opening up to you. It's like learning a new language or a musical instrument. This requires patience and diligence. But fortunately the M-U makes the trip amazing, fun and motivating, and it makes life so much prettier.


22 classes to start gently, because it's a gift, to feel the ground, to feed curiosity, to have fun, to fuel a "false hope" as Ingeborg Bosch would say ???? in any case Welcome


22 Euros/Month

Access to LA MU courses and integration of a psycho-magic circle on the platform